The IQP-ASR Project

Inuit Qaujisarnirmut Pilirijjutit
on Arctic Shipping Risks
in Inuit Nunangat

Inuit Qaujisarnirmut Pilirijjutit on Arctic Shipping Risks in Inuit Nunangat

Climate change and related reductions in sea ice have increased open water areas and accessibility for ship traffic across Inuit Nunangat, where shipping activity has grown by >250% since 1990. Increased Arctic marine connectivity could enhance employment and economic development opportunities for Inuit, but could also increase risks related to environmental and cultural sustainability, safety and security, and present sovereignty tensions. It is vital that research, policy, and affected communities proactively plan, share knowledge, and provide evidence for decision-making for marine traffic in a rapidly changing and opening Arctic.

Inuit Qaujisarnirmut Pilirijjutit on Arctic Shipping Risks in Inuit Nunangat is a recently funded project under the Canada-Inuit Nunagat-United Kingdom (CINUK) call for proposals, and is co-led by Inuit and government scientists and academics from Canada and the UK. Our project is focused on understanding risks from climate change and growth in shipping across Inuit Nunangat and to identify ways to manage these issues that support Inuit self-determined shipping and oceans governance.

Research Objectives

  • 1

    Analyse historic ship traffic (since 1990) and project future trends (2050) in Inuit Nunangat;

  • 2

    Model current and future (2050) ship source underwater noise nearby communities;

  • 3

    Conduct in-situ sampling of potential ship-sourced air and water pollution (black carbon, Heavy Fuel Oil residue, and ship derived microplastics);

  • 4

    Evaluate potential for non-indigenous species introduction from ships, and;

  • 5

    Develop risk maps and recommendations for self-determined shipping governance.

Find out more about our project in our publications.

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